
How does Chinese medicine help with depression?

Do you recently feel irritable, unhappy, easy to cry, always tired, frustrated and sad, even sometimes without any apparent reasons can be moody and disappointed, you may suffer “depression”.

What is depression? Actually “depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person’s thoughts, behaviour, feelings and sense of well-being.” 1


Depression is not just a simple upset or low mood, it’s a serious conditions which can impact your physical and mental health. Under the depression, you may get feeling of failure, fault and guilty; feel tired all the time, disappointed, mood swing and helpless. Meanwhile, can get sleep problems, poor appetite or too strong appetite, digestive problems, weight loss or weight gain problems. Depression also closely related with pain, especially chronic pain, for example, headaches, back aches or muscle pain.  Current research indicated that “pain is depressing and depression causes and intensifies pain”2.

From Chinese Medicine perspective, depression can be recognised as “Yu Syndrome”, and treats Yu syndrome based on “identification of different patterns”. In order to identify the patterns, we need to collect the information from consultation, get the idea from inspection of whole body and facial complexion, listening and inquiring, also check the tongue and pulse palpation so that can identify the causes of the health condition, the pathogenic factors contribute to the problems also allocated the channels or organs involved in.  At the same time, Chinese medicine practitioner also need to consider different person’s constitution to get the better individual treatment.

Chinese medicine believes that Yu Syndrome mainly caused by qi and blood stagnation; phlegm, dampness accumulation; and liver, heart and spleen functional disorders can lead to Yu syndrome. From Chinese medicine point of view, the heart houses the mind, smooth flow of liver qi in relation to the emotional state, and the spleen houses the intellect, responsible for thinking, studying and concentrating; if these organs didn’t work properly, depression-Yu syndrome would happen.

As a holistic natural health medicine system, Chinese medicine treat Yu syndrome (depression) combined with whole body balance aspect and individual care. Acupuncture, ear acupuncture, and chinse herbal medicine are really good for depression. A systemic review published in 2012 mentioned a Chinese herbal formula Xiao Yao San can be used to improve symptoms in patients with depression, but the more research need to be done to get the solid conclusion.

Meanwhile, for better help with depression care, we also can do:

  • Be patient during the treatment plan, depression normally is chronic condition, and need a series treatment sessions

  • Behaviour therapy is helpful, for example, regular exercise, more social life, listening music and quit smoking and drinking alcohols

  • Dietary supplement, for example, try the more coarse food grain in the diet, the food rich with Vitamin B

  • Chinese Herbal teas; such as Dried rose flower (Mei Gui Hua) and Silktree Flower (He Huan Hua) tea can help to regulate qi flow and stagnation, can be benefit for depression symptoms.


  1. “ Depression (mood)”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_(mood)

  2. “Depression and pain”,http://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/depression_and_pain

  3. Zhang Y, Han M, Liu Z, Wang J, He Q, Liu J. Chinese herbal formula xiao yao san for treatment of depression: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;2012:931636. doi: 10.1155/2012/931636. Epub 2011 Aug 22. PMID: 21869903; PMCID: PMC3159992.

Winter diseases can be treated in summer

What you can do in summer? Lots of fun for outdoors activities or swimming? Did you know actually summer is a very good time for caring the “winter diseases”? In Chinese Medicine practice, we called it “winter diseases being cared in summer”; which means doing some Chinese medicine and acupuncture treatment in summer, can significantly decrease the incidence and severity of symptoms for the certain diseases in winter, especially for chronic nose inflammation, asthma, rhinitis, arthritis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cold and flu, chronic lower back pain, chronic diarrhoea,   sinus problems, cervical problems and the more.


In Chinese medicine practice, we actually focus on prevention before disease onset, also emphases the relationship/harmony between environment and human. As Chinese medicine practitioner, we will care your heath and treat the conditions by using different method at different season.

From one of the oldest academic source for Chinese medicine, in Yellow Emperor’s Classic, already mentioned the importance of Yin and Yang and how to care Yin and Yang in different season; for example, with the cold climate outside, the yang energy in the body will hide inside and
relatively the ability to defend from pathogenic factors will be also weak, and easy to recurrent some diseases; while in summer, the yang energy is at the maximum level in the body, also working with the warm weather together, will be the good time point to help to improve the disease-defensive ability and care lots of chronic health conditions.

What are the “winter diseases?

The most of chronic disease, especially the diseases will be getting worse or reoccur in winter or with cold weathers, for example, reoccurring cold and flu, chronic nose inflammation, asthma, chronic arthritis or keen problems, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower back pain, chronic diarrhoea, sinus problems, cervical problems and more.

Who will be the susceptible population for winter diseases?

People with yang –deficiency constitutional character from Chinese Medicine, for example, easy to feel cold, always feel tired, loose stool, low energy, low immunity, some people even can have chronic diarrhoea and frequent urination, etc.

People suffering with chronic health conditions will be also sensitive with cold weather or in winter.

What the TCM practitioner will do for “winter diseases being cared in summer?

We will get the individual consultation with you based on our diagnosis theory, according to your diagnostic pattern, conducting the acupuncture treatment (some specific points on acupuncture

channels), cupping, Gua Sha or even moxa treatment for you; combination with Chinese herbal formula in powder or pills will be also applied in the treatment.

Safe to do it?

Same as normal regular Chinese Medicine and acupuncture treatment, “winter diseases being cared in summer” is a safe treatment and disease prevention procedure.